News of the Ministry

The meeting of the Board


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On 25 October 2016, in the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan was held a meeting of the Board. At the meeting were considered the activities of the Ministry during the nine months of 2016, the results of socio-economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan and the report of the Department of External Economic Relations on the implementation of the 13th meeting’s Protocol of the Intergovernmental Commission of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation on economic cooperation.

The meeting was attended by the Minister of Economic Development and Trade, his deputies, heads of departments, employees of the Central Apparatus and the heads of subordinate institutions of the Ministry.

Delivering his speech, the Minister of Economic Development and Trade Nematullo Hikmatullozoda opened the meeting of the Board. Then, Zafar Burhonzoda – the Head of Main Department of macroeconomic analysis, forecast and economic reforms reported on the results of socio-economic development of the Republic of Tajikistan and the activities of the Ministry during the nine months of 2016.

In addition, the heads of structural divisions of the Ministry and its subordinate institutions reported on the work carried out during the above mentioned period, the plans for future activities and existing challenges.

After that, the Head of External economic cooperation Department – Farrukh Soliev informed about the implementation of the 13th meeting’s Protocol of the Intergovernmental Commission of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation on economic cooperation.

At the end of the Board meeting, were adopted the relevant decrees on the discussed issues.

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