News of the Ministry

Minister of Economic Development and Trade met with UNDP Assistant Administrator and Regional Head of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States


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On July 18, 2023, the meeting of the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan Zavqizoda Zavqi Amin with UNDP Assistant Administrator and UNDP Regional Administrator for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States Ivanna Zivkovic.




At the meeting, Zavqizoda Z.A. briefly outlined the initiatives and achievements of the Republic of Tajikistan regarding the implementation of the 2030 global Agenda on sustainable development, ensuring socio-economic development and improving the welfare of the country's population, and also expressed gratitude to UNDP for supporting the country in this direction and for preparing and providing the second National Voluntary Review of the Republic of Tajikistan and participation in the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.

To further expand cooperation in connection with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, Zavqizoda Z. A. requested an increase in financial and technical assistance, including by providing the necessary funding for the Country Development Program and increasing the intellectual potential of the Secretariat of the National Development Council under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Ms. Ivana Zhivkovic highly appreciated the significant achievements of the Republic of Tajikistan in the implementation of the SDGs, including reducing poverty and ensuring sustainable socio-economic development in the context of ongoing transformations in the world economy and the negative impact of external factors on the national economy.

Ivana Zhivkovic also supported the request of the Minister of Economic Development and Trade and expressed her readiness to increase financial and technical assistance to the Republic of Tajikistan under the new Country Development Program.




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