News of the Ministry

The Minister of Economic Development and Trade discussed with the Director General of the Abu Dhabi Ports Group (AD Ports Group) the issue of creating a logistics, transit and export center for goods



On February 29, 2024, in the city of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, within the framework of the 13th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO), a meeting was held between the Minister of Economic Development and Trade Zavqizoda Zavqi Amin and the General Director of the Abu Dhabi Ports Group (AD Ports Group) Mohammad Juma Al Shamisi.

The Minister of Economic Development and Trade discussed with the Director General of the Abu Dhabi Development Fund the issue of raising funds for the construction project of the Roghun hydroelectric power station



On February 28, 2024, in the city of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, within the framework of the 13th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO), a meeting was held between the Minister of Economic Development and Trade Zavqizoda Zavqi Amin and the Director General of the Abu Dhabi Development Fund Mohammed Saif Al Suwaidi.

Ҷаласаи Шӯро оид ба тавсеаи табақаи миёнаи аҳолӣ дар Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон



28 феврали соли 2024 зери роҳбарии муовини якуми вазири рушди иқтисод ва савдои Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон Солеҳзода Ашурбой бо иштироки намояндаи доимии Бонки Ҷаҳонӣ дар Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон ва Туркманистон ҷаноби Озан Севимлӣ, менеҷери таҷрибаи глобалии Бонки Ҷаҳонӣ оид ба камбизоатӣ ва баробарӣ ҷаноби Амбар Нараян ва аъзои Шӯро аз ҳисоби намояндагони вазорату идораҳо ва шарикони рушд ҷаласаи навбатии Шӯро оид ба тавсеаи табақаи миёнаи аҳолӣ дар Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон баргузор гардид.

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